112 East 2nd Street
Thomas Dye Building East
112 East 2nd street is the eastern half of a historic building, built in 1914 by Heymer Construction for the owner Thomas Dye. Typical of the early 1900s architecture in Winslow, there is distinctive, extensive brick detail work along the upper half of the building. This building was constructed of brick, block, and wood with a concrete foundation.
This half of the building has a large second-story area in the rear of the building. The building was used as a theater at one point and the projector room is still intact in the upper level. This 25' by 100' building has large walk-in storefront windows. There is a temporary wall to protect the entrance. As was typical in the historic area, this building is built property line to property line and shares common walls. The building's most significant decorative element is the brick corbelling above a large brick decorative storefront and is a good example of early 20th-century commercial historic building architecture.
This building was originally a mercantile company. Originally a single building with two doors, in 1939 the property was divided into 2 parcels. On May 26, 1939, this building became the first Spanish-speaking movie theater, the Chief Theater, in Northern Arizona. The theater closed in 1952 due to a destructive fire. It was then remodeled for business use. In 1975, the building became Mode O’Day, a franchise women’s apparel shop. Historic usage of this building includes a mercantile company, theater, restaurant, shoe store, woman's dress shop, an Indian trading post, and a flower shop.