Rotary Club of Winslow Art Car

The Rotary Club of Winslow, Arizona was chartered 1/25/1923. On 1/25/2023 the Rotary Art Car was unveiled to the public at the historic Visitor Center where you see it today.
After all the excitement surrounding the Art Cars that HGTV and the Winslow Art’s Council did in June 2022 one of our club members Bob Hall, Chamber of Commerce CEO suggested that we do an Art Car to celebrate our Century of Service. Another club member Chipper Cunningham owner of 3C’s Auto Body went on a hunt for the perfect car. The Rotary symbol is the “wheel” and to Chipper a VW looked like the perfect vehicle.

Chipper and his crew at 3C’s did the body work, structural reinforcement, removing the glass and other unneeded items on the car, finally it was painted. The club went back and forth with design ideas and came up with a perfect combination of what Rotary means to our club (pictures on website). The wheels were made at the Winslow High School metal shop by Daniel Tafoya. Then the design was sent to Harold Nimtz at House of Tint to do the vinyl work.
The members of Rotary Club of Winslow, Arizona are eternally grateful to Chipper Cunningham, 3C’s Auto Body, Harold Nimtz, House of Tint and Daniel Tafoya and WHS metal shop, without these talented men there is no way this project could have been completed. You guys knocked this out of the park. We would also like to thank The City of Winslow for the concrete pad materials and DIY Ranch for doing the work. The Winslow Art’s Council, Winslow Chamber of Commerce and of course our amazing Rotarians all over the world.

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