Historic Preservation Commission
The Historic Preservation Commission is responsible for reviewing and making recommendations for nominations to the National Register of Historic Places. The Commission also increases public awareness of the value of historic, architectural, archaeological and cultural preservation by developing and participating in public information programs. Members serve three year staggered terms.
Members | Position | Appointed | Term End |
Brian Law | Chairman | 05/12/20 | 05/01/26 |
Ross Black | 05/28/24 | 05/01/27 | |
Kim Tsosie | 04/26/22 | 05/01/27 | |
Dave Hartman | 04/25/23 | 05/01/27 | |
Kenn Evans | 06/22/21 | 05/01/25 | |
Stacey Emigh | 04/09/19 | 05/01/25 | |
Brandee Leary | 02/13/18 | 05/01/26 |
The Historic Preservation Commission meets on the last Thursday of the month at 4:30 pm in the City Hall Conference Room located at 21 Williamson Avenue, Winslow, Arizona, unless there is no quorum or business to come before the commission. WINSLOW RESIDENCY IS NOT REQUIRED to serve on the Commission.

History Overlay Zoning
The intent of this zone is to promote the educational, cultural, economic and general welfare of the community, and to ensure the harmonious growth and development of Winslow by encouraging the preservation and rehabilitation of history districts therein.
Buildings & Sites Eligible for Listing on the National Registar of Historic Places
The building or site must be 50 years old or older, or have a documented association with an important person in history, or a distinctive design or physical character, r the potential to provide important information about prehistory or history.
Nominate a Property to the National and/or Arizona Register of Historic Places
Any individual, organization, government office, consultant or public entity may prepare and submit a National Register Nomination. Nomination forms and instruction booklets have been prepared by the Department of the Interior and National Park Service. These booklets are available through the State Historic Preservation Office. The National Register Coordinator and other staff at the State Historic Preservation Office are available to provide technical assistance.
Grants Program
Certified Local Government (CLG) Grants
Historic Preservation Heritage Fund Grants
Tax Incentive Programs
The State Historic Property Tax Reclassification Program
The Federal Investment Tax Credit Program
Useful Resources
Quick Links